Social Studies

Medieval Renaissance Faire

Project Date due:_______________________

The Middle Ages (450-1300) was a bridge between ancient and modern times during which most Europeans struggled for survival. The end of the Middle Ages saw Europe entering a new age of creativity and prosperity called by historians the Renaissance (1300-1650). To understand this new age of creativity and prosperity that opened the way to modern thought, you need to have a mental picture of what life was like during the Middle Ages.

Our study of these two fascinating eras in history will be done through projects researched and presented by you to show us how different aspects of society evolved over the years. This project will have several phases and will allow you to use your creative abilities.

After your projects have been presented to our classes, they will be displayed in the ....... at the Medieval/ Renaissance Faire.

Because many skills and much time and effort will be going into these projects, you will be receiving a grade in both English and Social Studies for your efforts. (See the evaluation sheet for what aspects of your project will go under English and which will go under social studies.) Some time will be given in class for you and your partner to choose, researh, and plan your projects, but most of it will be done outside of class. If you make good use of the time allotted, both in and out of class, you will meet your deadlines.

It is our hope that with the assistance, encouragement and time we give you, and your own high expectations, this will be a fun and successful project. Please let us know at any time if you are confused or are in need of help. The requirements and explanations below and on the back should help clarify any questions you may have.

1. In teams of two, choose one of the following topics to research. Be sure to choose someone you know you can work with well. If more than one team is interested in a particular topic, the one with the most convincing written proposal will be awarded the topic. (See us if you have a topic suggestion of your own we've overlooked, or if you prefer to work alone, even though it would require you to do more work.)

1. Food, eating habits and etiquette

2. Law, crime and punishments

3. Clothing (including make-up, hair styles and shoes)

4. Music and dance

5. Literature

6. Art

7. Daily life, habits, housing, hygiene, values, etc...(all classes)

8. Entertainment and theater (both upper and lower classes)

9. Medicine

10. Warfare

11. Science, technology and navigation

l2. Architecture

1. One team member will research your topic for medieval times and the other partner will research Renaissance developments. Through your research you will become an expert on your topic and time period. Be prepared to answer any questions we might have for you after your presentation.

2. During your research, each of you will choose a character (real or composite) who will represent your time period and present your information to us. It is important that you stay in character throughout your presentation. Because an appropriate costume helps you stay in character, one is required. (Please do not spend a great deal of time and money on your costume. Use you ingenuity and articles you find at home to come up with something representative of your character, time period and/or profession.

3. Prepare a team oral presentation of approximately ... minutes, using displays which include visual and/or audio materials. Each team member will be responsible for their own time period and display (Medieval or Renaissance). As a team, illustrate the connections or cause/effect relationships (theme) between the medieval period and the Renaissance. If you feel your team presentation will require more than the allotted..... (25?) minutes, please notify us so we can discuss the possibility of an extension of time. (Note: the ....(25?) minutes does not include the question and answer period that follows your presentation.)

4. Involve the class in your presentation in some unique manner. Audience involvement adds interest and helps your classmates remember your important points being made! No "Jeopardy" games, please. (You are presenting information, not testing their knowledge.)

5. The visuals used in your presentation will be displayed at the faire, (date & time). Neatness and artistic display will be important, as well as accurate, abundant and interesting information. (Let us know if you would like your presentation videotaped to be shown at the faire.)

6. Prepare 10 questions that one could ask and have answered from your presentation. These questions should not be picky, but of importance to the material you are presenting. Answers are also to be submitted with your questions (5 questions each, neat, in ink or typed.)

7. Your bibliography must have a minimum of four sources. At least three of your sources should be other than encyclopedias. Use correct bibliography form. (Refer to prior handout.) Each team member completes his/her own bibliography. See due dates below.

___________Team Planning Form (D bring outline)

___________Outline/Planning Sheet

___________Bibliography due

___________Date of presentation (Prepared questions due on this day also.)

___________Medieval/Renaissance Faire set up

___________Medieval/Renaissance Faire held

___________Medieval Renaissance Faire Parent Night--6:30-8:00 PM

___________Projects taken home

Because we are learning about these historical time periods primarily through your research, it is crucial that you do a thorough job of investigating your topic. The research will need to be done early on so you and your partner will have time to go over your notes together and and decide the best way to present your information. Also, you will need time to analyze each other's research to come up with comparisons and connections between time periods.

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