You are making a Book ! It will be nice and neat, colored, and soemthing to brag about!!
- Go to the website: Ancient Egypt Webquest
- Read the Introduction, Task, and Process on the title page.
- Divide work among your group. You will use the Internet, encyclopedias, and other books to help you. Each person will be responsible for at least two sections.
- Begin writing your book! The required tasks are:
- Title Page : On the title page, include your book's title, the authors, publisher's name and copyright information (the year it was published). Find a picture (scan, magazine, Internet, or draw) to put on the book's cover.
- Map/Geography Print out a map of Egypt. Locate and identify these features: Valley of the Kings, Cairo, Alexandria, Nile River, Mediterranean Sea, Giza, Red Sea and Roselta
- Chronology of the Pharaohs and Queeens: Make a timeline of the pharaohs and queens including King Tutankhanen, King Rammses II, Nefertiti, and Akhenaten, Queen Hatshepsut, King Amerihotep IV, Queen Cleopatria VII, King Khabu, King Titi, and King Khufu. Don't forget to include the dates they ruled.
- Daily Life: What was everyday life like in Ancient Egypt? Write one paragraph each about: family life, education, food, clothing, shelter, recreation, and religion (a total of seven [7] paragraphs).
- Funerary Customs/Mummies: How were mummies made? List the steps involved in mummification.
- The Great Sphinx: Write a few paragraphs about this structure. Be sure to answer the following questions: How big is it? When was it built? What is it made of? What does the stele describe? What is being done to preserve it?
- Rosetta Stone / Heiroglyphics: Go to the Heiroglyphics Generator and translate each of your group members' names intoheiroglyphics. Print them and include them in your book.
- Pyramids: Draw a pyramid and label and describe the parts. Describe how a pyramid was built. Make sure you answer these questions: How big is a pyramid? How many blocks? How heavy are they? How were they built? Name some of the well-known Egyptian pyramids.
- Build Your Own Pyramid Use the Nova Online Pyramids site. Follow the directions and print the pyramids outline. Assemble the pyramid.
- Fun Stuff: Each of the authors of your book should print out a coloring page to color and include in the book.
- PICTURES: at least 15 pictures included as illustrations.
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If you have any question please email
Helen Popravak.