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Copyright and Fair Use, Stanford University Libraries | Copyright Website | 10 Big Myths About Copyright Explained by Brad Templeton |
United States Copyright Office | legal guidelines for works that may or may not be IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. |
Dictionary/Words |
Bartlett's Quotations: | Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Online
Acronym Finder
A database of more than 127,900 acronyms and their meanings. Contains acronyms about: general topics, computers, technology, government, telecommunications, and the military including Department of Defense, Air Force, Army, Navy, and Coast Guard acronyms. |
First Lines Literacy Test: A Sort of Literacy Test Your challenge is to name the book given the first line. | Semantic Rhyming Dictionary
Action Verbs A list of verbs to help you brag about your accomplishments on a resume. |
Quotations Archive | Rhymes, Synonyms, Definitions
Alan Cooper's Homonym List
Words, like "caret" and "carrot" that are pronounced the same, but are spelled differently, and that have different meanings. This list was compiled with a true appreciation for "the prime numbers of the English language."
Dictionary of Difficult Words | Amanda's Mnemonics Page
A mnemonic is a device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering. Amanda collects them and has organized them into handy categories. To spell arithmetic correctly remember "A Rat In The House May Eat The Ice Cream."
The Quotations Page | Visual Thesaurus Working with vocabulary _ use the Visual Thesaurus. For visual learners, a wonderful tool that shows linkages to synonyms, antonyms and definitions. It also gives part of speech and in a lot of cases will show instances of how the word is used in context. It is highly interactive, so be careful not to be sucked in by the bells and whistles of the animation and floating words. You can customize the display in all sorts of ways and if you happen to lose your way, down in the lower right hand corner is your original word. Just click go and you return to the place that you started. |
The Amazing Run-On Sentence Page
Help create the world's longest run-on sentence.
Search Creative Quotations | TD>Alta Vista Translation ServiceAmerican Slanguages
Choose a city and learn to talk like the locals.
Free Translation | Amerispeak
Expressions of our American ancestors. This page is a collection of phrases that have been passed down through the generations in contributor's families. Contribute your own or read through the categories. The site also features "Ye Olde English Sayings. |
Quick translation at Babel Fish | Ambigram.Com
Ambigrams are a word or words that can be read in more than one way or from more than a single vantage point, such as both right side up and upside down. |
| Word translation for Spanish and English |
The Anagram Genius Server
Did you know that rearranging the letters of "Ronald Wilson Reagan" gives "A long-insane Warlord", "Madonna Louise Ciccone" gives "Occasional nude income" and "William Shakespeare," "I am a weakish speller"??! With The Anagram Genius you can find out what lurks within the letters of YOUR name, or that of your boss, employer or anything else that you choose." You supply the name or phrase, tone, gender, context, and number of requested responses. Submit this information with your email address and your anagrams arrive promptly in your inbox. Awesome! |
Dictionary Translates with different languages |
Strunk and White: |
Picture Dictionary with different languages |
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The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive Biographies Index; History Topics Index; Famous curves index; Mathematicians of the day; Search the archive |
Biographies of Women Mathematicians |
St. Andrews | Index of Mathematicians [Pictures Only] |
Amazon City Museum | 4000 Years of Women in Science |
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Cable services and programming for K-12 schools - Cable in the Classroom Resources
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AT & T Foundation Grants
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- database of 20,000 paragraph-length biographies |
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autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, letters, narratives, oral histories
An exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, highlights the life, scientific discoveries, and humanitarian activities.
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Facts in American History | |
Grolier Interactive Presents The American Presidency
PBS The American Experience/The Presidents
Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States.