Where would we be without longitude and latitude?
Lost, that's where.
Longitude and latitude help geographers--and sailors and pilots and explorers--find precise points on our planet.
They are imaginary lines that encircle the Earth, vertically and horizontally.
But how can you remember which is which?
Does longitude bisect the planet vertically, like the sections of an orange? Or is that Latitude?
Remember this "longitude" has the sound "launch" in it.
And when you launch a rocket, it goes up.
So, lines of longitude are the ones that go up and down--vertically--on a map.
Latitude goes from left to right.
- GIS Dictionary - contains definitions for nearly one thousand terms related to Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
- Animated
- a wonderful tool for integrating geography and history.
- The home page of the Association of American Geographers
Offering information about the association itself, its publications, regional divisions and "specialty groups" (complete with e-mail addresses), and provides links to such other organizations as the Canadian Association of Geographers, the National Council for Geographic Education, and the National Geographic Society.
Resource pages of National Geographic
This page provides access to "Information Central," "Glad You Asked," and the resources of the "NGS Library" among other connections.
National Geographic's Geoguide
"Digital field-trips."
- National Geographic Map Machine - printable country, physical and political maps, star charts
- Ryerson University
Learn about geography programs worldwide.
- University of Texas
Offers a page on geography education where you can learn about geography programs worldwide.
- State University of New York at Buffalo
One of the best general guides to geography resources on the Internet.
- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
One of the best general guides to geography resources on the Internet.
- Geography related Servers
A useful guide to Geography-related Servers.
Former well worth while. It features annotated net links to selected geographical resources, on-line maps, data, and weekly articles, along with a chat room and bulletin board.
- Maps in a Hurry
- Graphic Maps
- Country Reports
- Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
Map related Web Sites is compiled and updated by the University of Texas. It is one of the most comprehensive map collections on the Internet.
Printable - many with Longitude and Latitude
- Maps and GIS
One of several useful Infomine Resource Collections of the University of California Library.
- Cartography Resources: Commercial Mapping
George Mason University hosts Cartography Resources: Commercial Mapping as part of the WWW Virtual Library. This searchable website also provides access to related lists on remote sensing and GIS.
The ProsperNet "Maps" home page contains a brief but varied set of map agency and map collection links.
Many websites offer instructional material about specific cartographic projections, problems, properties, or techniques.
- University of Texas
Like the above Texas site but select "Cartographic References." Each of the listed "Map Projections" has a brief history of the projection, its features, use, and appearance.
- Hunter College Map Projections
Home page contains information relating to map projections. Also found: a number of projection identification "games" in the Globes and Amusements section and many links to various sources of maps with unique projections.
- The Peters Projection
Dedicated to the projection created by Arno Peters to address some of the problems of existing maps. There are comparisons of the Peters and Mercator projections and a discussion of how the maps we use influence the way we view the world.
- Mapquest by GeoSystems Global Corporation
An on-line interactive map service that includes a brief history of Cartography and the "Map Room: Map Skills department with exercises to help you learn the grid system, scale, and map projections .
- The Geographer's Craft program
The Department of Geography at the University of Texas, Austin, has a detailed "Overview" discussion of map projections. It also provides access to related courses on coordinate systems, geodetic datums, and global positioning systems.
- How Far is it?
An interactive program that determines the latitude and longitude of a place and calculates the distance between any two cities in the United States.
- The U.S. Geological Survey has a number of Fact Sheets to assist in map reading.
Geographic information systems and remote sensing techniques are of increasing interest to student and professional geographers. Index sites can help you get acquainted with the Internet resources on those topics include the following.
- Geographic Information Systems WWW Resource
An alphabetically arranged list of GIS-related sites maintained by the University of Edinburgh. Of special note is the ARCINFO Tutorial, a step-by-step guide to basic ARC/INFO commands that create, edit, and produce geographic data.
- GIS and Remote Sensing Sites
List of worldwide sites that is a component of the Utrecht University's Nice Geography Sites.
- WWW Virtual Library: Remote Sensing Organizations is complete listing of remote sensing organizations throughout the world, along with its companion site, Other Information.
- Ohio State University's Global Positioning System Resources
Ohio State University provides an extensive overview of GPS technology, with links to other GPS sites.
Various governmental agencies and private companies maintain home pages.
- USGS National Mapping Information
A home page of the U.S. Geological Survey, provides accurate and up-to-date cartographic data for the United States. Its "Educational Resources" option gives access to earth science educational material for teachers and (K-12) students.
- Canada's National Atlas Information Service
Develops and maintains an authoritative synthesis of the geography of Canada.
Weather and Climate
- Weather Net
Sponsored by the Weather Underground at the University of Michigan, calls itself "the Internet's premier source of weather information." It provides access to thousands of forecasts, images, and the Net's largest collection of weather links. Also available are the latest short-and medium-range computer model graphics, tabular forecast output and National Weather Service discussions. There are pictures of weather conditions at more than 120 places in North America, surface and upper-air analyses, including temperature maps, regional weather plots, and jet stream maps.
- Climate and Radiation Branch
The NASA-Goddard site provides information about ongoing research projects. Although some of the reports are rather technical in nature, there are excellent explanations of topics such as tropospheric aerosols, cloud raadiative processes, climate analysis, climate theory and modeling, and the use of satellite remote sensing.
- Weather Channel
A popular cable television channel now maintains its own pages on the web. The site provides daily U.S. and international weather forecasts, maps and helpful weather information for teachers.
- Storm chasers
Designed for the storm chaser to get the lattes weather information from the National Weather Service (NWS), and provides the NWS a place to receive chaser reports, inquires, and information from chasers.
- Tornado Project Online
Provides information about tornadoes, their intensity, and common tornado myths.
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
One of the country's leading centers for oceanographic research, maintains this comprehensive resource covering a wide variety of oceanographic information.
Describes and predicts changes in the earth's environment, and conserve and manage wisely the nation's coastal and marine resources to ensure sustainable economic opportunities.
- National Weather Service Welcome Page
The government source for weather information. There are links to the NOAA climatic and historic data records.
- Storm Prediction Center
The National Severe Storms Laboratory within NOAA monitors and forecasts severe weather for the continental United States. The site has the latest information about severe weather and a large historical archive of information back to 1950.
- Tropical Prediction Center
Located in Miami, Florida maintains a home page. Its branch, the National Hurricane Center (NHC), tracks tropical cyclones over the Atlantic, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern Pacific from May through November.
- NOAA Western Region
Extensive climatological and weather data for the Western United States. It has a text-only option for faster loading (no images).
Describes the regional and global consequences of the El Nino phenomenon, as well as discussing prediction methods and models.
- Tracking El Nino--NOVA Online Adventure
The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) enables users to discover the effect of El Nino on global weather. Satellite images enhance the textual descriptions.
- Bibliography on the El Nino Phenomenon
Maintained by the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) at Florida State University.
Human Impact on the Environment
Many websites are maintained by governmental organizations, academic institution and nonprofit organizations concerned with various aspects of the environment.
- EnviroLink
This site advertises itself as the world's largest environmental information archive on-line and the clearinghouse for all on-line environmental information. Collections include the EnviroLink Library and the EnviroNews Service.
- Environmental Organization WebDirectory
Contains a comprehensive listing of thousands of environmental sites on the World Wide Web, ranging alphabetically from agriculture to wildlife. Each subject category listed on its home page leads to an extensive set of links usually arranged by organizations, area, and subtopics.
- WWW Virtual Library: Environment
Maintained by Earth Systems, Inc. is divided by subject, including atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Use them for links to a wide variety of organizations, topics and reports. The site also has an exhaustive "List of Environmental Resources," and links to other related Virtual Library subjects.
- National Institute for the Environment
A national, nonprofit, nonregulatory organization concerned with disseminating environmental information, particularly through its developing "National Library for the Environment." The library features Congressional Research reports, texts of environmental laws, and population, environment, and biodiversity linkages.
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Includes information about agency programs concerning land, air, and water systems. Resources for students and teachers are also noted.
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Through its many offices, supplies thousands of pages of Internet information, including material and linkages on resource management, migratory birds, waterfowl and wetlands, and endangered species. All topics are easily accessed through the search link form the Service's home page.
- U.S. Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO)
A product of the Global Change Research Program and several governmental agencies and organizations, provides access to data and information on global change research and educational resources. A changing selection of "Showcase Links" is a feature of the home page, and its "Global Change Resources" provides access to bibliographic databases and to selected documents and publications.
- EE-Link
Provides environmental education facts, data, and activities for use in K-12 classrooms, from the National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training.
- Green Lane (on the Information Highway)
Canada has an extensive set of governmental and nongovernmental environmental agencies and websites. This website reviews current issues and data sources, links to regional "Green Lane" sites, and the text of important official environmental publications.
- Canada Centre for Inland Waters
A major source for water research, with particular emphasis on the Great Lakes through its "Great Lakes Information Management Resource." That and other information sources are accessible through the Centre's home page.
Many nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations maintain home pages. You will find reference to most of them through the linked websites already mentioned.
- World Wide Web Virtual Library--Demography and Population Studies
An efficient way of starting a search for population materials is to use a subject resource guide in one of the most extensive catalogs.
- The Census Bureau Home Page
The leading sources for U.S. population data as well as social, economic and demographic statistics - indexed by subject. There are also data maps and links to other population websites.
- The Census Bureau's State Census Data Center
Provides population estimates, employment reports, economic indicators, and other data at state, county, and city levels. Existing state data center websites may be accessed from the single source.
- The National Center for Health Statistics
Provides information on access to reports and statistics about births, deaths, marriages, fertility rates, etc.
- TIGER Map Service maps for Web pages from U.S.Census
World population information is found at a number of sites.
- United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN)
Reports world, regional, and country-level demographic trends, and is a good source for historical world population growth, urbanization, child mortality estimates, AIDS impact, etc. Full text regional reports and newsletters are also available, including country Health Profiles of the Pan American Health Organization. The site is linked to many other population home pages and includes a world wide directory of population organizations and institutions.
- The United Nations Population Fund
This organization assists developing countries in their reproductive health and family planning services. Its website provides on-line access to its current "State of World Population" annual report, to various technical reports and general interest publications, and links tolerated UN and non-governmental organization home pages.
- Population Reference Bureau
A principal source of demographic data used in many newspaper and journal reports, gives current-year demographic statistics for more than 190 countries in its World Population Data Sheet available on its website as well as the full-text PRB newsletter, Population Today , and a website "hot list" for population matters
- PopNet
Maintained by the Population Reference Bureau, is dedicated to providing comprehensive data on global population issues. Dubbing itself "the source for global population information," it presents data on such topics as demographic statistics, education, environment, economics, gender and reproductive health; in addition, it has multiple links to websites of governmental and nongovernmental domestic and international organizations and university centers. PopNet can be reached through the Population Reference Bureau website (above) or directly through this link.
- Demographic and Health Surveys
A primary information source on matters of fertility, maternal and child health, and household living conditions in developing countries.
World Health Organization sponsors this site. It describes and provides access to statistical data and information available from the WHO and elsewhere in electronic and other forms.
- International Programs Center ((IPC)
Provides a wealth of comparative statistics for all world countries. Included are population, life tables, migration, ethnicity, language, religion, vital statistics, labor force and economic data, and more. Summary tables and maps are available, as are software and applications of interest to demographers.
- CIA World Factbook
Valuable text and statistical supplements on population can be found at this site sponsored by the United States Central Intelligence Agency. The site contains demographic, economic, and social information for more than 260 countries, including data on population, vital statistics, ethnic composition, religions, languages, net migration and more.
Population associations and information source guides may help you gain access to other useful databases, bibliographies and agencies. Following are a few of interest.
- Population Association of America
Reports its activities in its full-text newsletter.
- Internet Resources for Demographers
A collection of demographic Internet sites categorized under "North American Demography," "International Demography," General Demography," etc."
- Population Index on the Web
The Office of Population Research of Princeton University hosts this site, presenting on-line the most important bibliographic record to the world's population literature taken from the journal Population Index . The database from 1986 onward is searchable by author, subject, matter geographical region, and date.
- Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG)--Demography
- Popline
This site is from the Johns Hopkins University Population Information Program, a searchable bibliographic database of over 250,000 records covering worldwide literature on population, family planning and health issues.
- Intlpop
Try downloading this program developed at Virginia Tech., software that allows users to manipulate data on fertility, mortality and migration levels of country populations and track the consequences of those changes on population size, growth, and age structure.
Cultural Geography includes nearly all the topics and concerns of human life. These can be found on websites by private citizens, groups, academic and nongovernmental organizations, domestic and international agencies, and others. The following is a sample of what to begin with in search of Cultural Geography.
- Foreign Language Resources on the Web
Offers links to web pages with foreign language/culture-specific interests. Arranged by language, each citation contains a brief summary of the website contents and emphasis.
- Language Links
A listing of multilanguages sites oriented towards language instructors but with significant cultural content.
- Ethnologue
A near complete review of all the world's languages; it lists 6,703 of them. They can be viewed by area and by country. A small but increasing number of maps shows language distribution within individual countries, while a language-family index shows how the various languages are related--one guide to past human migration patterns.
- World Internet Directory: Religion
An exhaustive listing of websites representing a massive array of religious, atheist, and agnostic interests.
- Voice of the Shuttle: Minority Studies Page
Several U.S. universities or their members maintain websites concerned with various aspects of ethnic studies. Alan Liu at the University of California-Santa Barbara created this site. It contains links to general resource sites and ethnic-specific home pages (African American; Asian American; Chicano, Latino, Hispanic, etc).
- National Association for Ethnic Studies
Located at Kansas State, it provides linked references to other university ethnic studies programs and to a number of ethnic websites and other ethnic-related resources.
- The Feminist Internet Gateway
A compilation of global feminism sites maintained by organizations. The sites are resource centers providing information on publications, position papers, and international meetings and programs.
- Feminism and Women's Resources
A listing of women's studies and women-related sources on the Internet; wide-ranging, but with a Canadian emphasis.
- Women Watch--The UN Internet Gateway on the Advancement and Empowerment of Women
Provides information on national and international efforts for women's interests and advancement. The site features information of UN global conferences on women, presents summaries of regional plans of action furthering female empowerment, and includes a collection of annotated related links.
- Cultural Studies Center
Created by Sarah Zupko, this site is a collection of annotated links to popular culture and cultural studies, including journals, articles, academic programs, bibliographic references, film, television, etc.
Spatial Behavior
Forced and voluntary migration and refugee flights are both clear expressions of human spatial behavior and among the pressing concerns of human geography. Websites dealing with these forms of human spatial interaction include international and national governmental agencies, nongovernmental and charitable organizations and academic programs. Most have links to other related sites of potential interest.
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
This page leads to subsidiary UNHCR pages that include country-specific guide to special issues, tabular information about refugees, and access to hundreds of documents from the Center for Documentation REFWORLD databases.
- U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
This site is devoted mainly to U.S. immigration concerns and regulations, but does have some statistical summaries from past IND annual reports.
- Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
U.S. State Department’s page on "Refugees and Migration" gives reference and access to policy documents, official press statements, fact sheets, and links to related sites.
Nongovernmental sites well worth exploring, many with statistical or descriptive data by subject or country, and nearly all with links to other sites and agencies, include the following.
- U.S. Committee for Refugees
Describes its publications and provides access to teachers' aids, press releases, and links to related websites.
- Refugees International
Claims to be "the independent and unfettered voice of refugees and displaced persons." Its website features "Refugee Issues" calling up RI documents, press releases, and news story reprints dealing with various world refugee crisis spots.
- Migration Home Page
Hosted by the International Organization for Migration, this site constitutes an "electronic information clearing house of documents, data... and other migration-related information." This site highlights legislative topics, a constantly updated calendar of events, the migration network and more.
- Center for Migration Studies
From New York, this site studies the "demographic, historical, economic, political, legislative and pastoral aspects of human migration and refugee movements." Its home page gives access to its publication list, library and archives, and research program information, and to the individual international Federation of Centers for Migration Studies.
Some academic institutions have on-line resources related to other aspects of spatial behavior than migration.
- Project GeoSim
Virginia Tech's page contains modules that provide exercises on such subjects as mental maps, sense of place, migration, and congressional apportionment. The modules are divided into a tutorial program and a simulation program.
- Mental Maps (MMap)
This module is an interactive program that enables students to test their knowledge of the location of cities. Mental Maps may also be configured to ask questions about the cities, such as their population, average summer and winter temperatures, cost of living, and desirability as a residence for the user. This program can serve as a way of collecting information about students' perceptions about cities for further in-class discussion.
- Delaware Department of Public Instruction: Geography Standard One
Describes mental mapping exercises for various grade levels and contains good ideas for ways to learn about mental maps.
- Physical Geography
Research interests of the faculty in physical geography are in the fields of climatology and biogeography.
- The Spatial and Temporal Diffusion of Democracy
An interdisciplinary project at the University of Colorado-Boulder. It uses leading edge techniques to uncover the relationships between democracy and conflict. Although the page is mostly text description, there are links to several maps that show the diffusion of social characteristics across time and space.
There are a large number of topics under the political geographic umbrella. The number of websites addressing those interests is also large, and the following are just a few of these. Most of those cited below are either guides to a variety of those general or specialized political sites or have valuable links to other organizational home pages.
This page is maintained by Helen Popravak --
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